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A Double Shot Of JAB

With Eric at the Villa Capri. Don't worry, the "David" statue behind them is not anatomically correct.I haven't written about JAB before but I thought that this was the time. They recently played two shows on consecutive nights right before Easter. First they were at the Red Stallion, their usual hangout. Unlike other recent shows they had there they took the stage after a pop song cover band and a large group of people were there to see that group. The regulars didn't care much for them but I actually enjoyed their take on some '80s and '90s tunes. I also got to meet Tara's two brothers who came out to see JAB for the first time. When JAB came up they got two full sets and were able to stretch out a bit, which is the way it should be. Former singer Jack was there and came up for a song. The next night they were at the Villa Capri, an Italian restaurant in Doylestown with Steve Bullman. Less people were there for that show but Ethan, Linzi and Tommy did come which was a surprise.

Here are some pics from the Red Stallion Show:

With Jack onstage:

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